Let’s sing together!

I love congregational singing in church. There. I said it.

Yes, I certainly enjoy choirs, and specials, instrumentals, but there’s something very foundational to me provided uniquely in the corporate singing of a body of believers. Through the years, congregational singing has surged and waned for various reasons in many congregations. The inspired psalmists exhort us to sing together as we worship the Lord. It’s not simply an issue of our preferences – it’s a biblical mandate.

Let’s sing together to express our praise!

Our praise adds nothing to God’s glory and power – it only declares and displays it. But oh, how our generation needs to see who He is! Our praise has inestimable value to us, His children. In exalting the lordship of Jesus Christ, we humble ourselves to His authority and will. Our wayward hearts can be realigned in submission to Him as we exalt Him in praise. It is imperative that, when we gather as His body, we exalt Him. Unbelievers as well need to understand who He is and what He has done. The Lord Jesus said, “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men to me.” Let’s sing together of His greatness and His goodness!

Let’s sing together to focus our minds and open our hearts.

Most church services begin with congregational singing. Psalm 100:2 instructs us: “…come before his presence with singing.” That’s for a reason. We typically gather on Sundays for worship with distracted minds and disjointed hearts. Yet God has an agenda for every corporate gathering of believers, unique to those present for that time in that location. We must focus our minds on things above and open our hearts to the Holy Spirit’s work so that God’s purpose may be accomplished that day.

Congregational singing offers the quickest method to rein in our wondering thoughts. As we sing together the lyrics call our minds to focus on a unified train of thought. Our hearts then begin to respond to that theme, allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to each need. There’s something wonderful about His freedom to move, comfort, convict, and prompt our response as we sing together.

Let’s sing together to please the Lord!

“…for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant and praise is comely” (Psalm 147:1). There’s something incredibly pleasing about being sung to by those who love us. Renditions of “Happy Birthday to You” warm the heart despite the poor quality of the singing. We parents and grandparents love to sing to our babies, soothing them with reassurance of how we love them. But when our little ones grow older and begin to sing to us, the pleasure rises to a whole new level.

When my grandson was an infant, I would hold him and sing over and over, “I love you a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck…” It was our song, and I cherished the blessing of holding him and singing to him. But I remember specifically the first time he sang it back to me. Not quite two years old, not yet able to clearly pronounce many of the words, his effort melted my heart with joy in an incredible way. And years later, that little song still is special to both of us.

In Zephaniah 3:17, we read, “The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in love, he will joy over thee with singing.” That moves me deeply. He sings over us. What delight then is ours to be able to sing to him of our love and gratitude. He takes pleasure in hearing the praises of his people. He inhabits our praises and delights when we sing to him together.

Let’s sing together to declare our unity!

Within a congregation, members can find any number of concerns about their music to discuss, debate, and too often disagree over. Unity within the body is what Jesus prayed for. Unity within the body is what the enemies of Christ have always despised and fought to undermine. When it comes to promoting unity within the local church, few things are as effective as congregational singing.

Ephesians 5:19 exhorts us: “…speaking to yourselves in Psalm and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.” This doesn’t mean we are to talk to ourselves, but to speak and sing to each other. Singing together declares the truths that unify us. We build each other up as we sing together.

Schools have fight songs and alma mater’s. Nations have anthems. Philosophical and political causes have theme songs. Singing together unifies groups and movements. This is a phenomenon of human society. No where is declaring and defending unity more important than within the church. Our identity as a body of believers is an essential theme for the sake of His name. A church that sings together in unity will stand together in unity. Many churches have a few favorites that folks sing more fervently because of the common bond those songs evoke within that particular fellowship. So let’s sing together with fervor!

Let’s sing together to strengthen our faith!

When we join our minds and voices to declare the greatness of God, His grace, His promises, and the truths of His Word, we learn and remember the foundations of our faith. The more we make of Jesus, the stronger our feeble hearts will be to latch on to Him and His Word in faith. The younger generations often learn biblical content and significant theological truth as they join in the singing of their church. The Holy Spirit can instruct and inspire our faith in God as we sing together.

The affairs of life, the opposition of the world, the struggle against sin, the frailties of our flesh all work to distract our attention from the almighty God who has pledged His presence and provision to meet every need we have. We forget too quickly that He is all-powerful, all-wise, unchanging, compassionate, forgiving, comforting, and dozens more descriptions. He is bigger than our mountains, deeper than our valleys, stronger than our enemies. His grace is greater than our sin. He rules over all. Sing it out, church! We need to remember He is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all that we ask or think. Somebody in the congregation needs to be reminded of that this Sunday as we sing together.

Let’s sing together to direct our mission!

God is on a global mission. He is not willing that any perish. Our singing together in church can help us stay in line with that mission. Psalm 66:2 commands: “Sing forth the honour of his name: make his praise glorious.” Exalting him in song is part of our evangelistic assignment. As the Israelites marched around Jericho, the choir took the lead. Imagine the reaction within the walls as the songs of God’s people singing together rang forth. The church singing together can have a powerful impact on lost people.

We are called to be witnesses of the gospel wherever we go and whatever we do. That message is instilled as we sing together songs of evangelism and mission. Congregational singing can reinforce the type of example we want to be as we live among unbelievers. The weakness of our individual resolve to stand up for Jesus is fortified as we sing together of the perishing lost ones and the call of our Savior to carry the message to them across the street and around the world.

Let’s sing together to remember our destiny!

David declares in Psalm 66:4, “All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing unto thee; they shall sing to thy name.” That day will come. Every knee will bow, every tongue will confess Jesus as Lord. And oh how we will sing to him! Congregational singing anticipates the thrill we will have to join with the throngs of the redeemed before the throne on that day. While my church’s singing may not sound all that heavenly, it still offers the hope of that glorious day we shall sing together in his presence.

So when your church sings, join in. Lift your voice. Give your best effort. Enthusiasm is contagious. Contribute your share. You will likely find it will make a positive difference in yourself and those around you.

Let’s sing together!

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